Card Sorts
We have developed a series of card sorts to help people discern what they value so they can make the best decision for their next step in life. We've used these card-sort activities with students, parents, and clients. We've had several requests for people to purchase the cards and are currently building a waitlist of those interested in purchasing. The decks will be available in the Spring of 2024. Fill out a form below if you want to get information about purchasing a deck when they are ready!

Values Based College Search
Sort through our 24 values to determine what matters the most to you, and then scan the QR code on the back to find a list of 15-20 colleges that embrace that value as well! It's not about prestige/reputation, it's about where your child can thrive. Check out the video to get a preview!
Career Values Navigator
Looking for a new job? Unsure of what is next? Our values card sort will help you identify what you value the most and provide thoughtful questions to ask your interviewer to discern if that organization values those things too.

College Criteria Ranking
Are you and your teen struggling to communicate about what they are looking for in a college? This activity allows you both to determine what feels most important and helps you come to a shared understanding about what they need in a college environment.